Welcome to Revolution Hearing
The preferred local hearing healthcare provider
Revolution Hearing
Hearing loss can change your entire way of life. All of a sudden, you avoid noisy places because you can’t understand your friends, you constantly have to ask loved ones to repeat themselves, and you get nervous meeting new people.
Whether you are new to hearing aids or you have been wearing devices for some time, we are here to help you regain your confidence through better hearing. Revolution Hearing is dedicated to providing patient-centered, high-quality hearing healthcare using state-of-the-art technology to connect you to the world again.
Why Choose Revolution Hearing?
Hearing and Your Brain
Hearing loss can do more than just affect your ability to hear. It can also affect your ability to effectively communicate with your family and friends. Hearing loss affects your ability to hear and process certain sounds and frequencies. When left untreated, eventually your brain will forget those sounds. This can lead to cognitive decline and even dementia.
In order to be proactive about your hearing and your overall health it’s important to manage the signs of hearing loss early with hearing aids. With hearing aids, you will be able to clearly hear the sounds you have been missing, keeping your brain active and healthy. Hearing aids allow you to communicate with the people you love and to continue living your best life.

Hearing and Your Brain
No matter which of our locations you come to visit, you will always be greeted by a friendly face. Our licensed hearing instrument specialists have years of combined experienced and will walk you through your entire appointment.

PREFERRED PROVIDER of the NFL Players Association
Revolution Hearing is a preferred hearing care provider for the NFL Players Association’s Professional Athletes Foundation. Through this partnership, the PAF aims to bring better hearing to former professional athletes and their fans across the nation. Together, we spread awareness, help players in need of hearing care, and collected data on the connection between hearing loss and professional football.
Revolution Hearing
Hearing loss can change your entire way of life. All of a sudden, you avoid noisy places because you can’t understand your friends, you constantly have to ask loved ones to repeat themselves, and you get nervous meeting new people.
Whether you are new to hearing aids or you have been wearing devices for some time, we are here to help you regain your confidence through better hearing. Revolution Hearing is dedicated to providing patient-centered, high-quality hearing healthcare using state-of-the-art technology to connect you to the world again.